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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) ... What?

It is the contribution of companies to the challenges of sustainable development.


This approach is for BATYCOM ™ to take into account social and environmental impacts in its daily activity to adopt the best possible practices and thus contribute to the improvement of working conditions and environmental protection.

CSR combines economic logic, social responsibility and eco-responsibility.


What we have done...


The Batycom ™ Group has, since its creation in 2006, always involved this very logical approach for it in all its projects, it is somewhere a founding foundation.



What we do

100% of our electricity consumption comes from green energies.


We integrate home automation into the design of our business centers for the benefit of energy reduction to reduce our C02 emissions.


We recycle and recycle our waste (paper, cardboard, computer cartridges, etc.)


The assumed choice to consume green energy to the greatest extent.



What you can do

Or how can you help us?

We cannot achieve our goals without you, after all, you work in our centers day after day!

Your actions therefore have a huge role to play in achieving our goals and net we count on your understanding and participation to help us reduce our impact on the environment.

We are sure we can count on your help ...
Little things can be easily integrated into our daily work and can make a real difference to the environment.

here are five simple tips:

1. Turn off your computer and monitor overnight.Even taking a break, shutting down only the screen will save 70% of the computer's energy!​

2. Turn off the lights

At the end of the day or when a part is not in use.

Leaving a desk on overnight is wasting so much energy to heat the water for 1,000 cups of tea.

3. Unplug your equipment

When not in use.

Keeping a mobile phone or laptop charger plugged in, for example, continues to consume electricity.

4. Think before you print

Print only when absolutely necessary and use the print preview function to make sure you get what you want the first time you print.

5. Report leaking faucets

A leaky faucet can waste up to 140 liters of water per week.

Many of you are already doing these things - and more - and we want to thank you.

If you are not in this process, why not try them?

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