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5 tips to develop the reputation of your company 🚀

Updated: Nov 15, 2023

Are you setting up your own company or are you looking for an idea to develop its reputation? Don’t move, this article is for you! 😊

During the process of creating your company, you must have wondered how you would proceed to increase the visibility of your structure (an essential lever to stand out from your competitors).

Communication is a part of the proper functioning of your box and it is very often complicated as a TPE or SME to manage everything...

We have prepared 5 tips to increase the visibility of your company without committing large human and financial investments!

Simplicity and efficiency will be the keywords of this article! 😊

1 | Have good targeting

Before launching your communication plan, it is essential that you define your targets! Ask yourself the right questions:

Who are the users of my product/service? (B2B, B2C, TPE, particular...)

What is their typology? (Sex, age, CSP...)

Who is the buyer?

The Personas

Working Rolls strongly advises you to create your Personas. This is an ideal representation of your client. You will imagine a typical customer based on your research as well as the surrounding market. The goal is to understand your professional, personal motivations, goals, problems, purchasing behaviours... You must therefore create:

His name

Its characteristics: precise age, address, family situation, socio-professional category, its profession...

His personality

Its history

Its objectives

Its values

His fears

In order to have a global and synthetic vision of your target, 2 to 3 personas are necessary.

2 | The website

Nowadays, the majority of purchases are made on the internet. The creation of a website is therefore essential for your visibility! Your customers or prospects will be able to consult your services and products at any time of the day. This will greatly boost your reputation. It is now very easy to create your own site without having great technical knowledge or a developer on hand. There are various website editors such as Wix, Wordpress or Prestashop (for merchant sites). They will allow you to create your site quickly, easily and at an affordable price.

3 | Referencing

After creating your site, it is important that it is consulted! To do this, you have to seduce search engines such as Google, Yahoo or Bing. You must therefore devote time to your SEO (Aka the SEO) to make your web page visible. The principle is based on a keyword strategy around the lexical field of your activity. You will therefore have to find your keywords in various places of the site (blog, product sheet, faq...).

Another important lever of referencing, "Netlinking". This corresponds to the fact that other websites (directories, blog..) share your website on their own site. This can happen during a partnership or simply when I fill in my URL on my social profiles.

It is by doing this type of actions that you will be more visible on the web. We will soon dedicate an article on SEO!

4 | Social networks

In a few years, social networks have become a cornerstone of communication. They represent a new ecosystem with its own codes and practices. Hundreds of thousands of people browse the internet every day from a computer, smartphone or tablet and represent potential prospects.

Communicating through these new levers has become unavoidable and some might think (wrongly) that «It’s easy I already have a Facebook account» when the reality is quite different.

Each social network has its own particularity, its own audience and its own codes such as Snapchat or TikTok which are platforms for «young» audiences.

Conversely, if you are looking to communicate with a more professional target, you should turn to LinkedIn because this social network brings together thousands of professionals.

Once you have found the social network(s) that are most relevant to you, you will need to find content that can interest people and highlight your products. We will soon be publishing an article on the subject. So stay connected!

Being present on social networks is good but concretely it serves what?

ls will allow you to boost the visibility of your company, but also to dialogue with your customers and to retain them. As we saw above, social networks also allow you to develop your customer portfolio!

They are increasingly used as search engines, which is why you need to appear there more than ever.

Being present on social networks (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, TikTok, Snapchat, etc.) effectively strengthens your SEO on the web.

Another advantage: creating profiles on social networks costs nothing, just a little of your free time.

These sites are great tools to establish a privileged contact with your Internet users, create a community and make Internet users more aware of your company, your activity and your communication actions!

Once implemented, your strategy on social networks will only require regularity!

5 | Monitoring

As part of your communications strategy, the watch will allow you not to miss out on new trends in your business. So we’ve listed a few tools for you.

Google News. In order to find reliable information about your company’s industry, nothing is better than Google News. It works in the same way as a search engine and lists only press articles.

Google Alert. It is a monitoring tool that allows you to receive recent content by email at any given time. So you have to define the keywords that interest you. Simple and effective to not miss anything.

Follow your competitors! Nothing is more important to stay up to date! Being attentive to their new products and how they communicate must be one of your priorities.

Familiarize yourself with the Trending Topics (or TTs) on Twitter. As the name suggests, this represents the trending topics of the day. This social network has a great interest for the day before since it has the particularity of collecting the hot impressions of millions of Internet users.


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