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Prescriber program Corporate real estate agent

Authorized agents

WORKING ROLLS ™ pays the approved real estate agents (hereinafter referred to as the "Prescriber") a consideration in return for any contract made to WORKING ROLLS ™ (hereinafter referred to as the "Contracts") from a client who has never been recommended to WORKING ROLLS ™, resulting in the signing of a Service Contract.

The WORKING ROLLS ™ Corporate Real Estate Agent Prescriber Program is strictly reserved for licensed agents specializing in corporate real estate, residential real estate and large accounts, and who enjoy a good reputation.


A prescriber is a person or a company who is able to prescribe to a client the subscription to a WORKING ROLLS ™ service.

A provision contract

Submission of the Prospector's application to the Subrogatory

The subscription of WORKING ROLLS ™ contracts is subject to the agreements of its financial body WORKOFFYCE LEASE LTD which is the creditor.

No commercial proposal can be made without an agreement in principle from WORKOFFYCE LEASE LTD.

No subscription can be made with the prospect without the definitive financing agreements of WORKOFFYCE LEASE LTD.


The real estate agent company and / or his employee must imperatively have played a decisive role in the subscription of the client and bring the signed contract to WORKING ROLLS ™ in order to be able to claim these remunerations *.

WORKING ROLLS ™ provides all the elements necessary for the subscription: The financial proposal on the basis of the elements provided by the Prescriber, and contract.

The company real estate agent performs the entire commercial interface with the prospect. WORKING ROLLS ™ does not come into direct contact with the prospect.

The amount of commissions is categorized according to these products:

  • Ékypé ™ office, Telephone hotline:

- The commission paid to the employer (Company real estate agent) will correspond to 7% of the total excluding tax of the signed contract for the provision of services for the workspace concerned in the price of the signed service contract with a minimum of € 200 -


The commission paid to the employee corresponds to 3% paid in the form of a voucher / gift with a minimum of € 100, -.

These commissions are cumulative in order to reach an amount decided by the employee for a global payment, but the commissions for the current year must be paid to the employee at the latest before December 01 of each year.

Example : 

A set of offices for 10 workstations for a monthly amount of € 5,590, - excluding tax for a period of 8 months,

5,590 x 8 = 44,720

The commission paid to the employer is € 3,140, - excl.

The commission paid to the employee is € 1,341.60 excl.

  • Ékypé ™ coworking space, Telephone hotline:

- The commission paid to the employer (Real estate agent company) will correspond to 4.5% of the total excluding tax of the signed contract for the provision of services for the workspace concerned in the price of the signed service contract, and

- The commission paid to the employee corresponds to 2.1% paid in the form of a voucher / gift. These commissions are cumulative in order to reach an amount decided by the employee, but must be paid no later than December 01 of each year.

  • Domiciliation :

- The commission paid to the employer (Commercial real estate agent) will correspond to 10% of the annual tax-free amount of the signed domiciliation contract, and

- The commission paid to the employee corresponds to 7% paid in the form of a voucher / gift. These commissions are cumulative in order to reach an amount decided by the employee, but must be paid no later than December 01 of each year *.

Request for office extensions or coworking spaces for a client.

The extensions of offices, of coworking spaces correspond to the requests of customers who enlarge their workspace in the center where they are established during the initial period of their contract.

The commission paid will correspond to 5% of the share represented by the workspace concerned in the tariff of the signed service contract.


Corporate real estate agents must sponsor their clients to a member of the WORKING ROLLS ™ team (whatever the case may be), on the WORKING ROLLS ™ site or by any other means approved by WORKING ROLLS ™.

In the event that two or more Company real estate agents sponsor the same client, WORKING ROLLS ™ will accept the first sponsorship proposal officially received, unless otherwise advised by the client concerned.

WORKING ROLLS ™ reserves the right to refuse a subscription in the event that:

the customer would have previously contacted WORKING ROLLS ™ directly,

would already be a WORKING ROLLS ™ customer,

WORKING ROLLS ™ will endeavor to inform the Commercial real estate agent having submitted a contract proposal of any refusal within 3 working days.

Payment of commissions to the business real estate agent

Payment will be made each month on the basis of sales concluded the previous month, upon receipt of an invoice.

A sale concluded corresponds to the signing of a service contract and the payment of the initial fee.

Invoices must be received within 60 days of the sale.

All commissions will be paid to the brokerage or professional, not to any individual.

The maximum amount paid may never exceed € 100,000 in the case of a single transaction.


In the event of default on the part of the client during the duration of his contract after the payment of a commission, WORKING ROLLS ™ will invoice the employer of the real estate agent business a percentage of the commission calculated pro rata for the duration during which the customer in question will be in breach of contract, or will deduct this amount from a future payment.


Payment method

All payments will be made by bank transfer at the end of the month.

Information request

For any questions, please contact here.

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